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Best File Sharing websites

 Best File Sharing websites

1 . My Airbridge 


You can easily save your data to your storage and then work with…


The Teamwork function connects multiple profiles so that they…

Password protected

We take secure data transfer and display by the correct…


Data saved in your storage can be shared with a recipient or…

Read/write storage

Files shared with recipients can be marked "read-only" or "read…


Because MyAirBridge is a cross-platform app, you can create a…

Drag and drop in the storage

The drag and drop feature can be used to create a transfer by…


The application can be easily switched and maximized to…

Mobile view

When used with a mobile device, the application optimizes its…

Dark mode

If you prefer to work using a dark interface, our app makes it…

Notifications about changes made in shared folders

If there is a change or an edit in a folder that you shared with…

End-to-End encryption

If you are sending sensitive data, or simply need to be sure…

Extra storage or a larger team

If you need more storage space, or if you need additional…

Company Profile Management

Managing more profiles under one company account is no problem.…

Download entire folders

You can download entire folders and preserve their structure no…

Image previews

MyAirBridge not only supports image previews, but it also…

Keyboard shortcuts

If you use keyboard shortcuts when working on your computer, you…

Clever drag and drop

When you drag data from your computer to our app, it…

Context menu

If you're accustomed to using context menus, the application…

Sending and sharing data

You can send transfers of up to 100 GB, either directly to a…

Working with folders

The “drag and drop” function lets you quickly add entire folders…

Send multiple files

You can send multiple files at once – the application will take…

Directory of incoming and outgoing transfers

Transfers that you send or receive are added automatically to…


The security of data transfers and storage is of utmost…


You can upload images that will display in the application'

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